If you are a victim of wage and hour violations, discrimination or harassment at your place of work, chances are you are not alone. Your employer may be engaging in illegal activities as a standing operating procedure.
At Lauby, Mankin & Lauby LLP, our trial attorneys have experience leading class action lawsuits against corporate employers of all sizes throughout Southern California. Call us to schedule a free consultation at one of our offices in Riverside, Palm Desert or Irvine. During your consultation, we will investigate the nature of the violation to determine whether you have an individual claim that can be negotiated or taken to court to litigate. In the event you are part of an aggrieved class of victims of illegal policies at your company, you may be eligible for special compensation for starting the class action.
Often, employers do not take individual claims for damages seriously. It is too easy to negotiate a settlement and hope that the aggrieved employee will simply take the money and leave the job. Often, nothing changes in terms of policy and the damages are often not punishing enough. A class action lawsuit means that the total amount of damages is often significantly higher, including significant penalties. In addition, adding the weight of evidence from many victims’ voices generally carries more water with a jury. The company knows that.
Frankly, you probably don’t know whether you can join others in a class action lawsuit against your employer unless you talk to an experienced lawyer. Chances are, there will be other employees who are afraid to come forward to file a claim about discrimination or wage and hour violations. Once a class action starts, that is our job. Your job will be protected and it is illegal for your employer to retaliate against you or other members of the group in any way.
Not sure? Contact us. You talk. We’ll listen. Then we’ll handle everything.
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