Have you been a victim of a home loan modification scam? If you paid a fee to stop a foreclosure or obtain a loan modification or debt reduction on your house only to find your hard earned money gone after the bank rejects your request, you may have been a victim of loan modification fraud. If so, it may be possible for our team of attorneys to recover your money, as well as interest and penalties, on a contingency fee where we will not recover any fees unless you prevail.

Many foreclosure defense firms offer their clients loan modifications and restraining orders under California Civil Code Sections 2923.5 and 2923.6, promising to save homeowners from foreclosure and lower the principal on their mortgages. To do this, they required a substantial down payment and monthly retainer forcing their clients to go deeper into debt. Despite the promises, the foreclosure goes through and the firm stops returning calls or emails from their clients.

Some of these firms and their attorneys are under investigation by the California State Bar Association. Others have not been investigated yet. We are interviewing potential victims for suits against the lawyers, law firms and/or companies that engage in these practices.

If you have been a victim, Call 888-959-8508 toll free, or contact us online today for a free consultation.

Loan Modification Malpractice Lawyers in Riverside & Irvine

For more than 10 years, the California business clients of Lauby, Mankin & Lauby LLP have trusted us to resolve their financial disputes. Our loan modification lawyers in Riverside and Irvine have the business and litigation experience to make sure your interests are protected in a loan modification malpractice claim. Call 888-959-8508 or email us today.

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